

End The Violence Coalition, in collaboration with local media outlets, develops messaging and other educational materials that will enhance public understanding of domestic violence and encourage whole family healing. SRDVC provides audiences with important information and data about domestic violence and services that can help to increase safe homes.

End the Violence Documentary

The “End the Violence” campaign was launched with the airing of this documentary on local TV stations the evening of Sept. 20, 2019. Our goal with this campaign is to educate Spokane and our surrounding communities about the numbers surrounding domestic violence, raising awareness, inspiring action, and changing our current course.
Special thanks to Hamilton Studio for producing this documentary.

TRIGGER WARNING: This documentary contains content about intimate partner violence and family trauma and may be upsetting for some viewers.

End the Violence 5-Year Strategic Plan

One year after airing the End the Violence Documentary, End The Violence Coalition and partners aired the strategy meeting that explored the steps that that the coalition will take to implement its 5-year strategic plan.

Media Requests

For special media requests please contact Taffy Hunter, Interim Executive Director

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