
I Want to Help

I want to support victims and survivors in our community.


Recognize the reality of Domestic Violence:
For Example
  1. Learn about the rates of domestic violence locally and nationally.
  2. Learn about the dynamics of power and control within Domestic Violence.
  3. Recognize how Domestic Violence affects my community.
  4. Learn about toxic masculinity and root causes of oppression and how they intersect with Domestic Violence.
  5. Learn how to create healthier, safer culture in your community.
  6. Learn how to be a positive bystander for someone in your community.
  7. If you recognize power and control dynamics in your own relationships, contact a certified local DV Treatment provider.
Respond: How to impact the prevalence of Domestic Violence within the Community
  1. Request a Domestic Violence training from the YWCA Spokane.
  2. Have a conversation with your friends/family about healthy relationships.
  3. Support your local victim service agency financially.
  4. Host a view party of “Violence Against Women, it’s a Men’s Issue”, or other impactful documentaries on Domestic Violence.
  5. Ask how your business can support a local victim service agency with clothing drives, events, fundraisers, or with awareness activities.
  6. Volunteer at a local victim service agency.
  7. You can be a positive bystander that doesn’t tolerate victim blaming statements.
  8. You can practice reinforcing positive masculinity.
  9. Support this initiative by donating to the “End the Violence” fund on Innovia’s website.
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